Digital Marketing Insights

Our blog is the no-fluff, no-filter look behind the curtains of Australian digital marketing in 2024. The sitecentre® blog offers articles since 2019 giving you a total of hours of reading on topics like local SEO and PPC to social media marketing and website design. We go where no other marketing agency dares to show you the exact tested and proven strategies industry leaders use daily.

Tools Optimise Email Campaigns

Tools to Optimise Your Email Campaigns

Brodey Sheppard

Emails continue to remain one of the top methods in digital marketing to reach your audience. From existing customers to new leads, people love checking emails consistently, so using tools to optimise your campaigns is a smart move.

Google Ads: Target ROAS Bid Strategy

Google Ads: Target ROAS Bid Strategy

Brodey Sheppard

Discover the power of Target ROAS in paid digital advertising. This strategy maximises your ad spend returns, helping your business grow. Learn how it works, how to set it up, and tips for success.

Google Ads: Maximise Conversion Bid Strategy

Google Ads: Maximise Conversion Value Bid Strategy

Anastasia Paraskevos

Discover the key to maximising conversion value in your Google Ads campaign through effective bid strategies. Boost your ROI and achieve higher-quality conversions with our expert guidance.

Google Ads: Target Impression Share Bid Strategy

Google Ads: Target Impression Share Bid Strategy

Anastasia Paraskevos

Learn how to effectively use the Target Impression Share bid strategy in Google Ads to enhance your ad performance and maximise visibility.

Google Shopping SEO

Google Shopping SEO

Alannah Picking

Get insights to implement ongoing refinements to your Google Shopping optimisation plan based on performance data and shifts in the market. From continually testing new keywords, landing pages, structured data, and other elements, learn how to maximise conversions over time.

Taxonomy SEO?

What is Taxonomy SEO?

Kristi Ray

Discover how to develop SEO taxonomy or categorise your website content. We explain the connection between taxonomy and SEO, plus provide tips to create a user-friendly and search-optimised structure.

Map Keywords Website

How to Map Keywords Across Your Website

Princess Kang

Keyword mapping is a crucial ongoing process for SEO success. With the right tools and commitment to iterating based on data, your pages can continuously convert searchers into loyal visitors and customers. Learn how with our guide!

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Anastasia Paraskevos

Learn what customer acquisition cost (CAC) is, why it matters to your business, and how to optimise it for increased profitability.

AI Ethics Marketing

AI Ethics In Marketing

Brodey Sheppard

Explore the ethical implications of AI in marketing and learn how to navigate responsible and fair practices in this evolving landscape.

SEO Cost

Why Does SEO Cost So Much

Alannah Picking

Uncover the reasons behind the seemingly high costs of SEO services and gain insights into the factors that influence the pricing of search engine optimization. Explore the value of SEO for your online business and its long-term benefits.

Behavioural Segmentation Marketing

Behavioural Segmentation in Marketing

Brodey Sheppard

Explore the fascinating world of behavioural segmentation and gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour. Discover how to tailor your marketing strategies to engage and convert your target audience effectively.

Google Ads: Landing Page Experience

Google Ads: Landing Page Experience

Anastasia Paraskevos

Learn how to optimise your Google Ads landing page to improve conversions and engage users effectively. Implementing these strategies will help you maximise your ad performance and drive better results.

Google Search Generative Experience (SGE)

Google Search Generative Experience (SGE)

Brodey Sheppard

Unleash the power of the Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) to revolutionise your search encounters. Explore AI-driven content creation and seamless search capabilities in this insightful blog.

Psychological Purchasing Triggers

Psychological Purchasing Triggers

Brodey Sheppard

Learn how psychological triggers influence consumer behaviour and explore effective strategies to harness their power in driving sales and conversions.

Google Search Console Guide

Google Search Console Guide

Alannah Picking

Discover how to maximise your website’s potential with Google Search Console. From improving search rankings to fixing indexing issues, this guide covers everything you need to know.

Keyword Cannibalisation

Keyword Cannibalisation

Kristi Ray

Discover the concept of keyword cannibalisation, its detrimental effects on SEO, and practical techniques to safeguard your website’s search engine rankings.

Copywriting Content Writing

Copywriting vs Content Writing

Kristi Ray

Explore the significant differences between copywriting and content writing, including their respective purposes, styles and impact on effective communication.

Google Ads: Dynamic Search Ads

Google Ads: Dynamic Search Ads

Anastasia Paraskevos

Learn how dynamic search ads can revolutionise your search advertising strategy and help you reach your target audience more efficiently.

Website Maintenance Checklist

Website Maintenance Checklist

Brodey Sheppard

A functional website is crucial for any business today. But creating it is only the first step — you need to maintain it regularly too. This guide provides a detailed website maintenance checklist with weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual tasks to keep your online platform optimised and delivering results.

SMS Marketing?

What Is SMS Marketing?

Alannah Picking

SMS marketing is a powerful tool for brands to directly engage customers. With 98% open rates, it cuts through noise for results. Learn how it works, tips for effective campaigns, tools, analytics, and legal considerations.

Google Ads: Performance Max

Google Ads: Performance Max

Anastasia Paraskevos

Performance Max is a new Google Ads campaign using AI to optimise ads across Search, YouTube, Display etc. for better reach, conversions & lower costs. This guide covers how Performance Max works, setting up campaigns, optimising for success, measuring performance with insights and reports, and real brand success stories.

Improve Onsite SEO Podcasting

Improve Your Onsite SEO with Podcasting

Princess Kang

Podcasts creatively boost your site’s SEO. As unique content, they help you rank for more keywords and phrases. Podcasts build expertise and authority to earn credible backlinks. Create quality episodes optimised for keywords. Strategically leverage podcasting to improve your onsite SEO.

Podcasting Matters Marketing

Why Podcasting Matters to Marketing

Brodey Sheppard

Podcasting offers immense marketing potential through building brand authority, thought leadership and loyal audiences. This article explores the benefits of podcasting for marketing and provides best practices, case studies, and a look at the future of podcast marketing.

Guide Impactful Marketing Campaigns

Guide to Impactful Marketing Campaigns

Alannah Picking

A marketing campaign is a strategic effort to promote a product, service or message. This guide explores what makes campaigns effective, key differences between campaigns and brand strategy, examples from top brands, and actionable steps to create a successful marketing campaign that boosts awareness and sales.

Updating Content SEO

Updating Your Old Content for SEO

Kristi Ray

Content decay can harm your SEO. Learn why it’s crucial to address it and optimise your old content with sitecentre® for a stronger online presence and improved search rankings.

Table Contents

Table Of Contents

Princess Kang

Learn everything you need to know about the table of contents with our comprehensive guide. Discover the benefits, best practices, and how-tos for designing an effective table of contents that improves the user experience of any article or publication online.

Google Ads: Audiences

Google Ads: Audiences

Anastasia Paraskevos

Unlock the potential of Google Ads audiences to supercharge your advertising strategy. Learn how to effectively target your desired audience and maximise the performance of your ad campaigns.

Impact Press Releases SEO

Impact of Press Releases on SEO

Kristi Ray

Elevate your online presence with press releases. Learn key strategies for SEO success and maximise your website’s visibility and rankings.

Google Ads: Ad Relevance

Google Ads: Ad Relevance

Anastasia Paraskevos

Learn how ad relevance can significantly impact the performance of your Google Ads campaigns and explore effective strategies to improve your ad relevance score.

Cost Lead?

What Is Cost Per Lead?

Anastasia Paraskevos

Cost Per Lead (CPL) is a crucial metric in digital marketing that measures the cost incurred to generate a lead. In this blog, we’ll explore the definition of CPL, and its significance, and answer some common questions.

Mastering -Page SEO

Mastering On-Page SEO

Alannah Picking

Explore the intricacies of mastering on-page SEO to enhance your site’s rankings. From keyword strategy and title tags to internal linking, our comprehensive guide equips you for sustained success in the ever-changing SEO landscape.

Redesign Website?

How Often Should I Redesign Your Website?

Brodey Sheppard

When should you look at website redesign? Join us to discover the recommended frequency for redesigning your website and keeping it fresh. Learn how often to update your online presence to engage visitors and stay competitive.

Google Advertiser Verification

Google Advertiser Verification

Anastasia Paraskevos

Discover the importance of Google Advertiser Verification in establishing trust and transparency in online advertising. Learn how this verification process works and find answers to commonly asked questions.

QR Codes Digital Marketing

QR Codes in Digital Marketing

Alannah Picking

Unlock the power of QR Codes in digital marketing. Discover the evolution of QR codes and their role in interactive marketing, data capture, and bridging print and digital media. Explore creative use cases and expert strategies for maximum impact in 2024.

Website Redesign Tips Local Businesses

Website Redesign Tips For Local Businesses

Princess Kang

Elevate your online presence through effective website redesign. Enhance user experience, conversions, and brand alignment for local business growth.

Ultimate Guide Bing SEO

The Ultimate Guide To Bing SEO

Brodey Sheppard

In this ultimate guide, we cover the top strategies and techniques to help you optimise your website for Bing search engine rankings. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced SEO professional, you’ll find everything you need to know here.

Referring Domains . Backlinks

Referring Domains vs. Backlinks

Alannah Picking

Are you trying to improve your search engine rankings? Learn about referring domains and backlinks in SEO and how they can help. With the right strategy, you can increase the number of quality referring domains for your website, resulting in higher search engine rankings.

Set Google Search Console

How To Set Up Google Search Console

Princess Kang

Setting up Google Search Console is crucial for website owners who want to monitor their site’s performance and improve their search engine visibility. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process in easy-to-follow steps.


UX and SEO

Brodey Sheppard

Let’s explore the relationship between user experience and search engine optimisation. We’ll answer common questions about how these two areas of website design are connected, and offer tips for optimising your website for both UX and SEO.

Internal Linking Audit Guide

Internal Linking Audit Guide

Kristi Ray

An internal linking audit is an essential part of any SEO strategy. Reviewing and optimising your internal links can improve user experience, increase pageviews, and boost your website’s search engine rankings.

Marketing Attribution

Marketing Attribution

Alannah Picking

Explore the intricacies of marketing attribution in depth. This article delves into its critical role in tracking the customer journey, revealing how businesses can effectively trace back various touchpoints to their marketing efforts, and subsequently, optimise their spending and strategies for better ROI.

Omnichannel Marketing

What Is Omnichannel Marketing

Brodey Sheppard

Omnichannel marketing is a strategy that uses multiple channels to create a unified and seamless customer experience. It’s about delivering the right message to the right person at the right time, regardless of which channel they’re using.

Guide PPC Ad Testing

Guide to PPC Ad Testing

Alannah Picking

Explore PPC testing to boost your advertising efforts. Through systematic trials on ad variations, gain insights for better budget management, marketing strategies, and improved conversion rates.


What Is ERP vs. CRM?

Princess Kang

Discover the power of ERP vs CRM systems in aligning your business with customer demands and boosting efficiency. Learn how to retain customers and increase profits.

Google Ads Quality Score

Google Ads Quality Score

Brodey Sheppard

Learn how to maximise your Google Ads results by optimising your quality scores. Improve ad relevance, click-through rates, and landing page experience. Elevate your ad game now!

Improving Customer Journey User Feedback

Improving Customer Journey Using User Feedback

Alannah Picking

Unlock the power of user feedback and SEO strategies to enhance customer experience. Dive into usability testing, data analysis, and creating a strong online presence. Gain comprehensive insights for a successful customer journey.

Google’ Helpful Content Update

Google’s Helpful Content Update

Kristi Ray

Explore Google’s Helpful Content Update, a significant algorithm change aimed at rewarding satisfying user experiences. Learn how it reshapes SEO strategies and impacts your web presence.

Google Ads: ROAS

Google Ads: ROAS

Brodey Sheppard

Maximising your Google Ads ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) is crucial for the success of your ad campaigns. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn the best practices and expert strategies for tracking conversions, optimising ad spend, and achieving higher returns on investment.

Skyrocket Content Strategy Conversions

Skyrocket Your Content Strategy for Conversions

Kristi Ray

This guide covers proven strategies to help you improve your content quality, use calls to action, and optimise your blog posts for SEO. By following these tips, you can turn your blog into a lead-generating machine.

Marketing Plan?

What is a Marketing Plan?

Alannah Picking

Learn about marketing plans, their importance, and how they can propel your business to success. This comprehensive guide explores the components, benefits, and types of marketing plans, providing you with the roadmap you need for effective marketing strategies.

Brand Architecture?

What Is Brand Architecture?

Kristi Ray

Learn all about brand architecture — its definition, significance, components, models, and steps for creation. Gain insights into creating a unique brand identity and boosting brand equity.

AI Marketing Automation

AI For Marketing Automation

Brodey Sheppard

This comprehensive guide delves into how AI revolutionises marketing automation. It covers aspects from productivity boosting, ROI improvement, personalisation, error reduction, to quick decision-making.

Haves 2024 Marketing Plan

Must Haves For Your 2024 Marketing Plan

Alannah Picking

A marketing plan is essential for any business that wants to succeed. It helps you define your target audience, set goals, and develop strategies to reach those goals. This article outlines the must-haves for any successful marketing plan, including market research, competitor analysis, and a call to action.

Plan Digital Marketing

How To Plan Your Digital Marketing

Princess Kang

Creating a digital marketing plan is crucial for the success of your business. This guide will cover everything from defining your marketing goals to choosing the right marketing channels. Keep reading to learn how to plan your digital marketing.

-- Marketing?

What Is End-to-End Marketing?

Alannah Picking

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of end-to-end marketing and provide some tips on how to implement it in your business. We will also explore the different stages of the customer journey and how you can create a marketing strategy that is tailored to each stage.

AI Marketing Ideas

AI For Marketing Ideas

Brodey Sheppard

AI for marketing is revolutionising the industry and providing new business opportunities. From AI marketing analytics to AI marketing personalisation, learn how AI can enhance your marketing strategy and bring new ideas to the table. Explore the latest AI for marketing trends and tools today.

Local SEO Service-Based Businesses

Local SEO For Service-Based Businesses

Alannah Picking

Local SEO is important for service-based businesses because it helps them rank higher in local search results. By optimising their website and local business listings for local keywords, service-based businesses can attract more customers who are searching for their services in their area.

AI Small Businesses

AI For Small Businesses

Brodey Sheppard

AI can help small businesses in a variety of ways, including improving marketing efforts and sales, providing better customer service, gaining competitive intelligence, automating repetitive tasks, and saving time and money.

Tips Hiring Web Designer

Tips for Hiring a Web Designer

Kristi Ray

A competent web designer is essential for a strong online presence. Consider goals, expertise, costs, SEO, and references when hiring. Stay positive and organised in your search for success.

Brand Management Age AI

Brand Management In The Age Of AI

Brodey Sheppard

Explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Brand Management in the digital age. Learn about the latest AI tools and strategies to enhance your brand’s reputation, engage with customers, and stay ahead of the competition.

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